Comprehensive guide to the care of exotic pets and issues about keeping exotic animals as pets, including rabbits, ferrets, reptiles and amphibians, rodents, pot bellied pigs, insects, spiders, hermit crabs, sugar gliders, wolfdogs, and a variety of other exotic species.
Meet Sybil The Domestic American black bear. Information on how a black bear can co-exist with coonhounds dogs, llamas and other animals.
Information for owners of exotic animals or domestic ones (reptiles, rodents...) : behavior, captive care, feeding, diseases...
Exoticpets: a host-written site at BellaOnline ...
Breeders Pages & Links Opossums Photo credited to Webshots Common Name: Opossum, Virginia Opossum Scientific Name: Didelphis virginiana Physical Description: The opossum is North America's only marsupial. It is about the size of a house cat. Their legs are shorter and they have opposable claws. They have a long flattened, pointed muzzle, small thin, hairless ears and a long, nearly naked, ...