- HOME Contents... Who are we Contact US Pippins Brownies Guides Rangers Administration Lone Guides Calendar Outdoors Resources Guiding Links Guides:9-14yrs Great! Pippins: for 5-6 year olds Brownies are for 7-9s! Rangers: 13-18 years old Administration Lone Guides Guiding Links Resources Lets Venture Outdoors Calendar If you would like to know more about guiding in Manawatu, please contact us.girlguides.palmy.net.nz
- Onslow Guides Welcome to Onslow Guides home on the web. We are members of Guides New Zealand and are a district within the Wellington Region. We currently have two Guide units for girls aged 10-14 years, three Brownie units for girls aged 7-10 years and two Pippin units for girls aged 5-7. Every unit has trained leaders, who are mostly Mothers of girls within the unit, and who work along with ...www.onslowguides.org.nz