- Scouting for the Homeschooled Welcome! This site is devoted to the many families who homeschool and who also participate in scouting with the Boy Scouts of America. Scout Oath On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty, to God and my Country, to obey the scout law, help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Scout Law A Scout is ...homeschooledscouts.tripod.com
- Boy Scouts of America - religious and sexual orientation concerns ...www.religioustolerance.org/bsa.htm
- An excerpt from On My Honor: Boy Scouts and the Making of American Youth by Jay Mechling. Also available on website: online catalogs, secure online ordering, excerpts from new books. Sign up for email notification of new releases in your field.www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/517047.html
- Boy Scouts need your help now! LINKS: Victory! Equal Access Act! Boy Scouts Equal Access Act Anti-Scouts Groups Investigative Journal - Stories by David Bresnahan Los Angeles cuts ties with Boy Scouts United Way cuts Funding Click here for more shocking facts Privacy statement Join the 356, 891 who have already signed the petition! (updated every 15 minutes) CLICK HERE TO SEE GRASSFIRE.NET'S ...grassfire.net/scouts.asp