- Highrock's Costa Rica triplog February 5-13, 2000 I've been asked, why Costa Rica and the question is a good one. Lying south of Honduras and Nicaragua and north of Panama, Costa Rica is in close proximity to . . . nothing! In fact, that has become a large portion of my answer. I wanted to get close to nowhere and Costa Rica turned out to be the perfect place to do just that. What I ...www.highrock.com/CostaRica2000/index.html
- At Cocos Island on the Okeanos Aggressor Hammerhead Heaven in this Hemisphere (December, 1993) Cocos Island, 300 miles southwest of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, debuted as the hot dive spot for big animal action in 1988. Its reputation was tarnished in 1991-92 with the arrival of a prolonged El Nino condition in the southeastern Pacific, warming the surface waters to over 82 degrees, and ...www.totheweb.com/personal/travel/cocos/index.html