- The first online dictionary Maltese-German and German-Maltese. You can look up Maltese and German words as well as Maltese roots and get all the appropriate entries.www.tue.shuttle.de/wktueb/dizzjunarju
- A brief list of useful Marathi travel phrases Brought to you by your friends at If you want translations for this language, contact the person who contributed these phrases to our website: Ashish Dalvi (India) and Vijay Abhyankar and Rashmi (Ghana) and Mihir Chaudhari These translations indicate how to say the word phonetically. Please translate a phrase for me! hello = NA-MA-SKAR goodbye = ...www.gorin.com/phrase/marathi.html
- i eo, i a u iiue eoeuoo e e eo oao Ii aiaee, o aieou oai ieeia, e ao e e, o iaee oia e iocueaioia. Iiai oe Ii aiaee, aai ieee, eioi iaoe i iie ai eii e y c i eii cuea .www.torama.ru/index.php3?pg=voc