- Leeds AUT web pages: Officers and Committee Meeting dates & minutes (C'ttee, General, JCUA, Council) Joining and Subs Local Rules Guidance for members seeking Personal Assistance: Text Word or pdf; Flowchart Word or pdf Other campus unions Local specialist groups: Admin - Computer - Fixed-Term - LGBT - Library - Women National AUT: Home page LA circulars Salary scales (or pdf) AUT Stress ...www.leeds.ac.uk/unions/aut
- The NATFHE teaching union at Leeds Metropolitan University.www.lmu.ac.uk/natfhe
- Highlighting Where our Higher Education Institutions Fail to Pay the Minimum Wage Background to the National Minimum Wage The national minimum wage (NMW) came into effect in the UK on the 1st April 1999. At long last this law meant that workers in this country could expect to be paid at the very least a minimum hourly figure for their hours spent in employment or so it seemed. The NMW was ...members.lycos.co.uk/lmunmw