- Welcome The Cornell Club of Western Washington welcomes you! We are an organization of Cornell alumni in the greater Puget Sound area who come together for social, networking, community-service and educational activities. We hope you enjoy a CCWW activity soon. CCWW was founded in the 1940s by Norbert Fratt '26, Art O'Shea '30, Frank Frink '30 and Thomas Kelley '31. We appreciate their efforts ...alumni.cornell.edu/orgs/clubs/westwash
- Default ...ccw.alumni.cornell.edu
- Cornell Club of San Diego July-August 2002 revised 7/28 Message from Club President Lisa Stewart Dear fellow Cornellians: Please mark your calendars for some fun events (read on!), and bookmark our web site to stay tuned to new events and info (www.alumni.cornell.edu/orgs/clubs/San_Diego/). The Cornell Club is part of the All Ivy network here in San Diego and as such, we ll be announcing events ...alumni.cornell.edu/orgs/clubs/San_Diego