This web site is for families of children with special needs to keep them informed of their rights in the areas of education, health care, and many other topics of concern. The Federation also has several national parent leadership projects in the areas of Early Intervention and School Reform.
Millions of children experience learning disabilities and require special education. Learning disabilities like dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD and ADHD) hurt children in many ways. is here to help!
Information, resources, communication opportunities for persons with cognitive and other disabilities.
Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers | Guide to the Site
Massachusetts Association of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils ...
Search our Site: (not responsible for ads or anything on Search page) sitemap We're Here for Families One-to-One Match, Programs, Family-Centered Care, Family Infant & Toddler Project Welcome to About Parent to Parent Mission, History, Collaboration, Family Faculty Institute, Staff & Board, What We Do Family Faculty Institute Site Map Use this page to view links to webpages in our site... News & ...
Independent Panel for Special Education Advice: free advice to parents of children with special educational needs ...
Education-A-Must Inc - advocate services for children with special needs. Helping students with learning disabilities. Serving New England.
Last updated 2-3-2002 Become a member! If the Chicago Public Schools are important to you, you should know about... Parents United for Responsible Education (PURE) Our Mission Parents United for Responsible Education exists to build support for and enhance the quality of public education in the city of Chicago by informing parents about educational issues, bringing the views of parents into the ...
Parents United Together is a group of parents of children with a Wide range of disabilities united on a common issue: Education . It is our belief that ALL children should receive a quality education that will have value to them when they leave high school. . Our mission is to provide parents and professionals with information relating to children with disabilities and to encourage them to ...
Information, resources, communication opportunities for persons with disabilities.
A resource for students studying in the area of supporting individuals with disabilities. Contained are links to disability sites, searchable medical information, job search sites, plus much more. Check it out!
Dear Visitors: When we finally decided to put up an advocate website for those parents who were having trouble with the Apollo-Ridge school system in regard to their children, we envisioned a much different site than what resulted at the Unofficial Apollo-Ridge Open Forum. The site was designed as a community awareness/support/venting/advocate site, to be used as a last resort by those who ...
A not-for-profit special education cooperative serving children with special needs ages birth-21 years ...
A valuable resource for information on Developmental Disabilities, including training, curricular information, and two award winning videos.
PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of parent representatives from all of the school districts in Eaton County. Our primary responsibility is to represent parents when issues of special education are discussed on the county level. We also provide support to parents by providing information about special education services, by assisting parents in developing a ...
Parents Helping Parents, Inc. The Family Resource Center 3041 Olcott Street Santa Clara, CA 95054-3222 Tel: (408) 727-5775 Fax: (408) 727-0182 Web site: Meeting children's special needs through parents helping parents. PHP- Parents Helping Parents is a multi-faceted, comprehensive Parent Directed Family Resource Center for children with any kind of special need (mental, physical, ...
The site serves as a reference and source for services and information for parents of special needs children. Included are basic information on parent's rights, school district and early intervention responsibilities under IDEA. In addition are lists of Los Angeles area service providers, support groups and a calendar of local seminars and events.