- Draft Tutorials in Soil Physics by D.L. Baker 2000, 2001, 2002 home These tutorials were written in support of the subcontract of Dr. H. Don Scott at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, to a USDA grant to Dr. David Nofziger, Oklahoma State University. The grant supports the development of Internet-based tutorials in undergraduate Agronomy, especially Soil Physics. This work is a ...www.aquarien.com/sptutor/index.htm
- Determination of the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index Purpose The plastic limit is that moisture content of a soil at which it becomes too dry to be plastic, used together with the liquid limit to determine the plasticity index which when plotted against the liquid limit on the plasticity chart enables the classification of cohesive soils. Apparatus Sample of Cohesive Soil Glass mixing plate ...www.civl.port.ac.uk/projects/geotech/geo5.html