- A long-standing interest of mine. Even though I'm plagued by city lights and poor weather, on the occasional night, it all comes together and the magic is re-kindled. Here are my experiences of: TELESCOPES - How I built a 6 inch Dobsonian, and my 4 inch cat. Details of a home-built Equatorial Platform on this page. ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY - Using conventional cameras and film. CCD STUFF - Web camera ...homepage.ntlworld.com/molyned/ASTRONOMY.htm
- Click to START Return to: interstellarflight.com: Amatuer Telescope Making Links and Bibliography Building a six inch Newtonian telescope with a focal ratio of approximately seven point six. On a Dobsonian mount. What a mouthful that is. But with any luck, those of you who don t know what that means will have some idea by the end of my talk. I ll try to keep it a short and simple without ...www.interstellarflight.com/atm/presentation/home.html