- List of R-Phrases Contents: R-Phrases Combinations of R-Phrases Labelling of Compounds with unknown or not completely known Hazardous Potential Hints: Links of R-phrases point to the Council Directive 67/548/EEC (licence required for access.) You will find there notes (in German) on how to use the R-phrase. In this list you will also find some modifications of R-phrases made by manufacturers.www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/safety/r-saetze_en.html
- List of S-Phrases Contents: S-Phrases Combinations of S-Phrases Hints: Links of S-phrases point to the Council Directive 67/548/EEC (licence required for access.) You will find there notes (in German) on how to use the S-phrase. In this list you will also find some modifications of S-phrases made by manufacturers. These modifications are preceded by the company name. S-Phrases S1: Keep locked up.www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/safety/s-saetze_en.html