Welcome to NASA's Earth Observatory, where you can monitor regional and global changes on our planet almost as they happen. Here you can explore with NASA scientists the causes and effects of climatic and environmental change through the use of real satellite data.
The Earth Observing System (EOS), centerpiece of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE), consists of a coordinated series of satellites for long-term global observations of the Earth.
Weather.gov Site Map News Organization NWS Search Products Operational Experimental Miscellaneous Quick Looks GIS Data Sets General Information Technology Staff Directions FAQ Related Links Contact webmaster Update: April 18, 2002 Animations of daily snow water equivalent, snow pack temperature, and snow melt for the U.S. from January 1 - April 17, 2002 show snow pack dynamics throughout the ...
Welcome to Troms Satellite Station AS TSS operates two ground stations for downloading, processing, disseminating and storing of data from polar orbiting satellites. The primary focus of the station in Troms is on the use of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data, which is capable of observing independent of clouds and darkness. The second station is located on Spitsbergen and has an ideal location ...
Sandia National Laboratories is a world leader in analyzing, designing and building high performance Microwave Imaging Radar systems, including Synthetic Aperture Radar.
This site describes research activities at The Lunar and Planetary Institute in reflectance spectroscopy and thermal infrared spectroscopy of Mars and Earth, for NASA and the DoD.