Welcome to the World of Amber by Susie Ward Aber, Emporia State University Emporia, Kansas, USA Million years ago large stands of forests in some parts of the world began to seep globs of sticky resin! This aromatic resin oozed down the sides of trees, as well as filling internal fissures, trapping debris, such as seeds, leaves, feathers and insects. As geologic time progressed the forests were ...
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WELCOME TO THE FOR LOVERS OF FOSSILS & DEAD THINGS IN AMBER The club is home-made and home-spun The club house was last cleaned up July 10, 2002 Mantis in Dominican amber Mushroom in Dominican amber Short cut to my offerings of amber and larimar jewelry from the Dominican Republic and BelOMO 10x triplet loupes Click here AUG 2001 - Burmite amber from Myanmar (Burma) It is 100 million years old.
New Jersey has treasure trove of amber Jeff Poling An American Museum of Natural History expedition to New Jersey has uncovered one of the richest deposits of amber ever found, with fossils of 100 unknown species of insects and plants trapped in the fossilized sap. The fossils include: A tiny bouquet of miniature flowers from an oak tree that lived 90 million years ago, the world's oldest ...
Alfred Correya's Baltic amber collection This collection has recently been acquired by the Hunterian Museum with the help of the National Fund for Acquisitions. Caddis (left) at least two flies (middle and right (with spider eating it)), a mite (on top of beetle), and a click beetle (Coleoptera, Elateroidea) (top) Many of the flies have been identified to Family level. List of inclusions (Click ...