- Introduction to the Dinoflagellata Dinoflagellates are unicellular protists which exhibit a great diversity of form. The largest, Noctiluca, may be as large as 2 mm in diameter! Though not large by human standards, these creatures often have a big impact on the environment around them. Many are photosynthetic, manufacturing their own food using the energy from sunlight, and providing a food ...www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/protista/dinoflagellata.html
- Dinoflagellates cyst of Spiniferites (Image courtesy of Graham Williams) What are dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates are microscopic, (usually) unicellular, flagellated, often photosynthetic protists, commonly regarded as algae (Division Dinoflagellata). They are characterized by a transverse flagellum that encircles the body (often in a groove known as the cingulum) and a longitudinal flagellum ...www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~macrae/palynology/dinoflagellates/dinoflagellates.html
- Department of Environmental history and climate change ...www.geus.dk/departments/environ-hist-climate/resaerch-themes/env-cli-dino/env-cli-dino-uk.htm