DNV is a leading provider of risk management services within the maritime, oil and gas, manuafacturing and service industry sectors ...
ABS Consulting, headquartered in Houston, is the premier global provider of services from enterprise risk management and business continuity planning to securitization and management systems. ABS Consulting assists clients in identifying, characterizing and quantifying business, operational and asset risks arising from their operations. The enterprise-wide approach positions ABS Consulting ...
ENSR provides industry and regulated government agencies with cost-saving environmental solutions to their environmental problems. Experience in 100 countries, in 40 languages, from 70 worldwide offices.
Dyadem produces risk analysis software within process and manufacturing industries. These tools produce documentation for Process Hazards Analysis PHA, including HAZOP, as well as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FMEA and Job Safety Analysis JSA.
WebMet brings you free met data for air dispersion models, books, videos, software and more. Explore and learn using WebMET - your source for all things meteorological!
BlazeTech, an engineering consulting firm based in Cambridge, MA provides research and development, modeling and simulation, and technical assistance in litigation. Our forte is in bridging the gap between theory and practice to solve real problems and d ...
Meteorological Solutions Inc. is a air quality consulting firm providing comprehensive, high quality services by a team of professionals who have successfully worked together for more than fifteen years.
A Sydney based, professional, independent, accredited acoustical and environmental engineering consulting firm established in Sydney, Australia, in January 1995.
Tech Environmental, Inc. provides expert consulting solutions for air quality and noise issues. In addition to permit applications and environmental impact assessments, TEI performs all supporting technical tasks including planning, monitoring, and computer modeling. Tech Environmental has established a reputation for high quality, responsive service by working closely with clients ...
GexCon is an independent consulting company operating in the field of gas and dust explosion safety.
Services include stack testing, stationary source isokinetic sampling, continuous emission monitoring, compliance permitting, air toxics pollution emission sampling, ambient air quality dispersion modeling.
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Software Consulting Services, Flow Simulation, Fluid Flow, Fluid Dynamics, Parallel Processing, Process Simulation, Environmental Modelling, Environmental Engineering, EIA, Aerospace, Nuclear, Water Quality Simulation, Air Quality Simulation, Noise Quality Simulation English Version French Version Wish You Pollution Free Century ...
PAEHolmes is a specialist environmental group formed by the merger of two experienced, respected air quality consultancies: Pacific Air & Environment (PAE) and Holmes Air Sciences. Both companies established solid reputations over many years. We deliver high quality services in air quality assessment and management, greenhouse gas management, emissions reporting and applied meteorology.
Toxic chemical exposure evaluations, reconstruction of past environmental exposures, air dispersion modeling, specialized software ...
An Overview MSES Consultants, Inc. is a professional firm providing consultation in the areas of planning, engineering, safety, industrial hygiene, the earth and environmental sciences, waste management, design and regulatory assistance. MSES' projects comprise a high degree of diversity, including industrial facilities, commercial, infrastructure, and natural resource development. Our clients ...
Fireworks Splice HTML ...
North American Weather Consultants Air Quality Services A few of our Air Quality Services are listed below. If you don't see the service you might require drop us a message on our Information Request Page and we can discuss your needs in further detail. Permitting/Title V Services Whether your facility requires the development of a complete Title V Operating Permit or you need to submit a notice ...
EnviroComp Experts, Associated Senior Scientists/Engineers, and External Collaborators NAMES (USA) EXPERTISE Dr. Paolo Zannetti President, EnviroComp Consulting, Inc.Fremont, California Air pollution modeling, computer simulation of environmental phenomena, numerical simulation, statistical data analysis. Air pollution issues, odor problems. Accidental releases, accident reconstruction, expert ...
Home Servizi Clienti Modelli Pubblicazioni Strumenti OnLine Enviroware fornisce consulenza scientifica e tecnica ad enti di ricerca, enti pubblici, industrie e societ di ingegneria. Enviroware specializzata nella simulazione al computer della dispersione atmosferica di emissioni controllate o accidentali. Sistema di simulazione on line su www.enviroware.it Brochure Esempio di simulazione con ...
Enviroplan Consulting specializes in air pollution consulting studies and air quality and meteorological monitoring programs for new and existing facilities. Since 1972, we have conducted over 2, 000 studies and monitoring programs for over 350 power generation, industrial and governmental clients from seven offices throughout the eastern half of the U.S.
Once permitting strategies are developed, AEC can identify and perform any air impact analyses which may be necessary to demonstrate compliance with applicable requirements.
Dispersion calculations, chemical, thermal and radiological effects. NRG is an ECN-KEMA company serving the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors with consultancy, research, engineering and production of radionuclides.
Environmental Risk Limited is an environmental site assessment and environmental consulting firm dedicated to helping its select group of clients with environmental compliance standards and hazardous waste management.
TYPES OF WORK PERFORMED FOR OUR CLIENTS AIR SERVICES Title V Operating Permits Prepare Permit Application Experience in Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas over the past 6 years Develop Compliance Programs (Record Keeping, Reporting, and Monitoring) Title III and V Minor Source Determination Document Minor Source Status for Title III (Experience ...
Main Key Staff Regulatory Alerts Links Aegis Environmental, Inc. is a small service-oriented environmental consulting firm focused on providing integrated, cost-effective environmental management strategies. The managing principals have over fifty years of combined experience in dealing with environmental issues. Aegis works with its clients to expand their options, rather than restrict ...
WindSim ...
MET Associates, Meteorological Evaluation and Weather Services (MET) -- Consultants and expert witness in Applied Meteorology, Forensic Meteorology, Air Quality Meteorology, Industrial Air Pollution, Weather Event Re-Construction, and Weather Expert Witness Testimony. Our services include litigation support and expert testimony, toxic tort cases, air dispersion modeling for industrial sources, ...
Consultants specialising in environmental management, cleaner production, compliance with EPA and local authorities.
AIR QUALITY Ambient Air & Emission Monitoring Emission monitoring is performed to obtain representative accurate data in a cost effective manner. Source testing may be tailored for process modification or compliance data. Ambient air monitoring includes monitoring network development, installation of sampling and meteorological stations, instrument calibrations, and analysis of data. Monitoring ...
P & I Design Ltd Chemical Engineers PC Toolkit DISPERSE The software is designed to predict the short term pollutant concentrations directly downwind (x direction) of an elevated point source at specified distances and as a function of atmospheric stalibility and wind speed. The model is based on the following assumptions:- Concentration profiles in the plume follow the Gaussian distribution in ...
Zephyr Environmental Corporation, an environmental engineering and consulting company, provides environmental, health, and safety services to industry and government.
AEOLUS-3 A software package for the determination of atmospheric dispersion and deposition of nuclear power plant effluents during continuous, intermittent and accident conditions, in open-terrain sites, coastal sites and deep-river valleys. Key Features Joint frequency wind and rainfall distributions Concentration X/Qs Finite-cloud gamma X/Qs D/Qs Distant and close-in receptors (adaptation of ...
Emergency management training for disaster preparedness using unique computer program developed by the U.S. Department of Energy. Colorado based firm specializing in atmospheric dispersion modeling, risk assessment and response to terrorist scenarios ...
ECCI, Engineering, Compliance & Construction, Inc., provides effective Air Pollution Control, Mechanical Integrity Assesments, Environmental Engineering and more. Through rigorous engineering we achieve success throughout the entire spectrum of engineering, environmental projects and construction processes.
Hastings Engineering, Inc. Environmental & Chemical Consulting ...
The firm has published in areas of computer modeling, environmental engineering, environmental science, and sustainable development for the chemical, petroleum, pulp and paper and other industries in Canada and internationally.
Visit www.fluent.com for the latest news, the hottest CFD software products, consulting services and technical support from Fluent, Inc -- the world leader in computational fluid dynamics. This page contains this information: Fluent Environmental Applications Atmospheric Plume Dispersion ...
Sullivan Environmental Consulting, INC. is a consulting firm that provides urban scale air quality assessment ...
Graeme Ross & Associates Pty Ltd provide consulting services in air pollution modelling and meteorology. These services build on the activities developed by Dr Graeme Ross when he was Professor and Foundation Director of the Centre for Applied Mathematical Modelling (CAMM) at Monash University. Activities Dispersion modelling Meteorological studies Consequence/risk modelling Complex terrain ...
McVehil-Monnett Associates, Inc. (MMA) is a specialized air quality and environmental management consulting firm. ...
Release Dispersion & Consequence Modeling Consequence modeling assesses how releases affect the surrounding community, workers, and property. EPA s Risk Management Program (RMP) requires a Hazard Assessment to address the off-site impacts from the release of an RMP-regulated substance. The Hazard Assessment is intended to provide information necessary for emergency response and planning, ...
Photochemical Meteorological Deposition Air Toxic Emissions Model Development Complex Terrain Applications Air quality models are used to describe how pollutants emitted into the air are transported downwind and to predict the ground level concentrations of the pollutants. It is difficult to accurately predict downwind concentrations because the nature of air movement is very complex. Heating ...
EnviroMod.com - A suite of services to environmental industry and government decision makers concerned with local, mesoscale, and regional meteorological and air quality modeling ...
Industrial air pollution design studies, Title V Permitting, visible emissions testing, bio-hazardous waste, incinerator consulting, ambient air monitoring and more Grove Scientific & Engineering.