- The REDUCE Computer Algebra System Current Version Version 3.7 of REDUCE has been released on April 30th, 1999. Please see the announcement by Tony Hearn and the documentation for the new version. The REDUCE Homepage of ZIB also includes much more information on the current version of REDUCE. There is also a Y2K compliance statement for REDUCE 3.7. Table of Contents Note: The following still ...www.uni-koeln.de/REDUCE
- More detailed information can be obtained by using a browser such as Netscape 2.0 or higher. ...www.zib.de/Symbolik/reduce
- REDUCE IDE REDUCE IDE is a package that provides an I ntegrated D evelopment E nvironment for the REDUCE computer algebra system within the GNU Emacs editor. Its two major components are Emacs Lisp libraries that provide major modes for respectively editing REDUCE source code and running a command-line version of REDUCE in an Emacs window. Many of the facilities require that Emacs is running ...centaur.maths.qmw.ac.uk/Emacs/REDUCE_IDE