- Elliptic Curves@ (2)
- CASA -- Computer Algebra System for Algebraic Geometry CASA is a special-purpose system for computational algebra and constructive algebraic geometry. The system has been developed since 1990. CASA is the ongoing product of the Computer Algebra Group at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC-Linz), the University of Linz, Austria, under the direction of Prof. Winkler. The system ...www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/software/casa
- Visualization of real algebraic geometry Home | Download | Documentation | Gallery | Screenshots What is surf surf is a tool to visualize some real algebraic geometry: plane algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and hyperplane sections of surfaces. surf is script driven and has (optionally) a nifty GUI using the Gtk widget set. The algorithms should be stable enough not to be confused by ...surf.sourceforge.net
- The Ganith Algebraic Geometry Toolkit GANITH is an algebraic geometry tookit, used for the computation and visualization of algebraic equations. It also provides the computational mathematics infrastructure for the Shastra toolkits. Example applications of this for geometric modeling and computer graphics are algebraic curve and surface display, curve-curve intersections, surface-surface ...www.ticam.utexas.edu/CCV/projects/shastra/toolkits/ganith.html
- www.math.fsu.edu/~hoeij/compalg/IntBasis
- Programs ...www.math.lsu.edu/~wamelen/genus2.html
- www.math.fsu.edu/~hoeij/compalg/algcurves.html