- THE ABC CONJECTURE HOME PAGE La conjecture abc est aussi difficile que la conjecture ... xyz. (P. Ribenboim) The abc conjecture is the most important unsolved problem in diophantine analysis. (D. Goldfeld) Created and maintained by Abderrahmane Nitaj Index The abc conjecture Generalizations Consequences Tables The top ten good abc examples The top ten good abc-Szpiro examples The top ten good ...www.math.unicaen.fr/~nitaj/abc.html
- Ivars Peterson's MathTrek December 8, 1997 The Amazing ABC Conjecture In number theory, straightforward, reasonable questions are remarkably easy to ask, yet many of these questions are surprisingly difficult or even impossible to answer. Fermat's last theorem, for instance, involves an equation of the form x^n + y^n = z^n. More than 300 years ago, Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) conjectured that ...www.maa.org/mathland/mathtrek_12_8.html