RAND is a nonprofit institution that helps improve public policy through research and analysis. RAND's corporate headquarters is in Santa Monica, California, and it also operates an office in Washington, D.C. In addition, RAND has several smaller offices in Seattle, Washington; Jakarta, Indonesia; Delft, the Netherlands; and Moscow, Russia.
INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) information on operations research and the management sciences ...
MITRE is a not-for-profit national technology resource that provides systems engineering, research and development, and information technology support to the government. It operates federally funded research and development centers for the DOD, the FAA and the IRS.
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The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) provides an open forum for all those who are interested in risk analysis. Risk analysis is broadly defined to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to risk. Our interests include risks to human health and the environment, both built and natural.
Optimization Software Categories linear programming - solvers and analysis aids integer programming network optimization quadratic programming unconstrained optimization bound-constrained optimization constrained optimization (nonlinear programming) nonlinear least squares nonlinear equations global optimization miscellaneous optimization problems modeling languages and optimization systems ...
About IFORS Conferences Developing Countries Distinguished Lectures Education Membership Publications Special Initiatives Statutes Global News Call for papers Conferences ...
Home Page Joining SJDM Member Services Directory Elections Public Services Newsletter Course syllabi Dissertations Mailing Lists List archives Chapter archive Beattie Award Publications SJDM History By-Laws Past annual meetings Past officers Awards Related links Welcome to SJDM The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of ...
Homepage of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) ...
Special Items Winter Simulation Conference 2002: Exploring New Frontiers Call for Nominations: Lifetime Professional Achievement Award Call for Nominations: Outstanding Simulation Publication Award Call for Nominations: Distinguished Service Award CFP: TOMACS Special Issue (a pdf file) Google Search of this Site Now Available The College on Simulation is organized and operated exclusively for ...
CALL FOR PROPOSAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FOR CORS Deadline: Friday, May 24, 2002 Francaise English Send Questions About the CORS Web Site to: Rick Caron (or Mirjana Antic) Envoyez vos questions concernant la page de SCRO Rick Caron (ou Mirjana Antic) ...
The Australian Society For Operations Research (ASOR) was founded on 1st January, 1972 and has about 400 members nationwide. ASOR, like other national societies is affiliated to the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). ASOR serves the professional needs of OR analysts, managers, students and educators by publishing a National Bulletin and National and Chapter ...
Www.orsnz.org.nz Aims and Goals | Council Members | Regional Branches | How To Join | What's New | Internet Resources | List of Members | Newsletter | Contact Us 37th Annual ORSNZ Conference at Auckland, 29 and 30 November, 2002 What is Operational Research Click here to find out. COUNCIL MEMBERS President Les Foulds president@orsnz.org.nz Vice President John Davies Newsletter newsletter@orsnz.
ISPA is a professional society dedicated to the improvement and promotion of parametric cost modeling techniques and methodologies.
VVS: Vereniging voor Statistiek en Operationele Research / Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research ...
The NSDM Game recreates real-world international crises of the present or immediate future. Ideas for scenarios are taken from current headlines and developing trends. Players take the parts of national leaders, dignitaries, ambassadors, military leaders, and political groups and are given the opportunity to try and solve all the world's problems.
Hungarian Operational Research Society 1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17. Tel: +(36)-(1)-209-5266 Fax: +(36)-(1)-209-5267 E-mail: komlosi@ktk.pte.hu You are visitor no. since 9.4.2001. Magyarul Welcome to the homepage of Hungarian Operational Research Society Executive board: Tamas Szantai (president), Janos Ful p, Sandor Koml si, Zsolt Pales, and J zsef Temesi (IFORS representative) Honorary ...
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) studies artificial systems that take inspiration from the behavior of real ant colonies and which are used to solve discrete optimization problems. Recently (1999), the Ant Colony Optimization metaheuristic has been defined by Dorigo, Di Caro and Gambardella (see papers on the ACO metaheuristic). The first ACO system was introduced by Marco Dorigo in his Ph.D.
S O A F (Rel: 2002-08-05) Svenska operationsanalysf reningen (SOAF) ar en ideell f rening som arbetar med komplexa systemanalytiska fr gor. SOAF, som bildades 1959, har till syfte att framja utveckling inom operationsanalysens olika grenar och verka f r dess tillampning. SOAF, som har c:a 150 medlemmar inom forskningsinstitutioner, f retag och myndigheter, anordnar kurser, konferenser och ...
Spanish Group interested in Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems Spanish version Welcome to the web page of the Spanish Group on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems. Here you can find information about the spanish scientific community interested in decision-making problems with multiple criteria. This group belongs to the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (S.E.I.O).