Homepage Organizing Cmte. Advisory Committee Plenary speakers Special Sessions knot theory and quantum topology 3-manifolds 4-manifolds Geometric group theory and related topics Fixed point theory Abstracts (pdf) Schedule Accommodation Transportation Registration Form Confirmation List of Participants Passport and Visa Useful Links Map of China ICM 2002 About Xi'an Qujiang Hotel GEOMETRIC ...
G KOVA GEOMETRY / TOPOLOGY CONFERENCES Guidelines for authors Previous meetings Travel and local info Contact address Announcement NINTH G KOVA GEOMETRY / TOPOLOGY CONFERENCE May 27 - June 1 (2002) G kova, Turkey Guidelines for authors We have prepared a macro package for LATEX in the hope of speeding up processing of the manuscripts submitted for publication in Proceedings of G kova ...
Midwest Topology Seminar The Midwest Topology Seminar is a topology seminar which has run since the middle 1960's, meeting Fall, Winter and Spring of each year. Traditionally, in each year, two of the meetings are in Chicago, and one is outside Chicago. Future meetings (Updated 12 Aug 2002) The upcoming meetings are: the Fall 2002 meeting at Western Michigan University, on November 2, 2002, the ...
The 2002 Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference will be held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, from March 21-23, 2002. The areas covered will include set-theoretic and general topology, continuum theory, dynamical systems, geometric topology, and geometric group theory. The program will include both invited and contributed talks. The Registration fee is $50 ($25 for students) and will ...
17th Summer Topology Conference Auckland, New Zealand 1-4 July, 2002 Welcome to the homepage for the 17th Summer Topology Conference, to be held in Auckland, New Zealand 1-4 July 2002. This will be the next in the Summer Topology Conference Series. This page has been updated to contain information relevant to participants getting ready to come to Auckland. Click here for the old homepage. Travel ...
The second announcement ( 06/21/2002 ) Japanese / TeX file (English, Japanese) Dear participants, We have recently sent the final announcement to ALL PARTICIPANTS in our list. If you did not receive our mail, please contact to us, now!: hattori@math.shimane-u.ac.jp or top2002@math.shimane-u.ac.jp TIM2002 and JAMEX II Shimane University and the Mathematical Society of Japan are organizing the ...
Welcome Pictures Scientific Committee Organizing Committee Invited Speakers Participants Timetable Contributed talks Proceedings Deadlines Submission of abstracts Registration Accommodation Location Town map Travel information Useful information Address Welcome to the web site of the IV Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications, which will take place from Wednesday morning, 18 ...
Pacific Northwest Geometry Seminar Wasatch Topology Conference 2001 Joint Spring Meeting University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT Saturday and Sunday April 28-29, 2001 Photo Courtesy of Steven Lewis Gardiner - more photos SCHEDULE Click on a title to see an abstract if available. Saturday, April 28 9:30-10:30 Alan Reid (University of Texas, Austin) Geometric boundaries of hyperbolic manifolds ...
En francais Thematic Programme 2001-2002 Groups and Geometry Graphic Designby Pierre Lavalle, Seyabec The hyperbolic tesselation image is used by permission of Vladimir Bulatov (Oregon State University). Copyright 1998. The Maximal Equilateral 6-noid and the Twizzler images are used by permission of Nicholas Schmitt (http://www.gang.umass.edu). Copyright 2001. The Escher Fish (by Silvio ...
Texas Geometry and Topology Conference Serving the Mathematical Community Since 1989 Mission Statement The Texas Geometry and Topology Conference is dedicated to the enhancement of both the educational and the research atmosphere of the community of geometers and topologists in Texas and surrounding states. The Conference has three specific goals: The Conference is committed to bring researchers ...
Braids in Cortona' Cortona (Arezzo), Italy, June 19-22, 2002 International Conference Organized by Riccardo Benedetti, Carlo Petronio, and Mario Salvetti SPONSORED BY MIUR Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universit e della Ricerca Progetto Nazionale `Propriet geometriche delle variet reali e complesse' CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche GNSAGA - Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche e ...
British Topology Meetings This is a (possibly incomplete) list of past and future British Topology Meetings, compiled by Andrew Ranicki and Francis Clarke. If you can supply missing information or if you have any interesting photos or other archival material, please contact me. Future meetings planned 18th BTM: Manchester 2003 19th BTM: Glasgow 2004 Past meetings 17th BTM: Leicester 5-6 April ...
CORNELL TOPOLOGY FESTIVAL Thank you to all participants for contributing to the success of the 2002 Festival. Photos are now posted! To see who won the Acme Klein Bottle* for contributing to the preprint table, click here! 2002 Festival Home Page 2001 Festival Home Page / Photos from 2001 2000 Festival Home Page 1999 Festival Home Page 1998 Festival Home Page 1997 Festival Home Page Here is a ...
First Joint Meeting American Mathematical Society - Unione Matematica Italiana Pisa, June 12-16, 2002 Special Session `The Topology of 3-Manifolds' Organized by Riccardo Benedetti, Carlo Petronio, Dale Rolfsen, and Jeff Weeks The official talks of the Special Session will take place on Saturday, June 15, 2002. An extra day of talks beyond the program of the AMS/UMI meeting will be held on ...
Ontario Topology Seminar, Fall 2001 Department of Mathematics University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada October 13-14, 2001 The Fall, 2001 session of the Ontario Topology Seminar will be held at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. The following mathematicians have agreed to speak: A. Adem (Wisconsin) B. Blander (Chicago) G. Carlsson (Stanford) K.
Http://www.math.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/~franjou/2001.html En francais last modified: July 19, 2001 UMR 6629 G.D.R.E.1110 Algebraic Topology Conference University of Nantes September 3 - 7 , 2001 The GDRE/CNRS 1110, the UMR 6629 CNRS/University of Nantes and the Topology Seminar Bonn/Dusseldorf/Wuppertal are organising a EuroConference on Algebraic Topology at the University of Nantes from ...
Workshop on Topology, Operads & Quantisation 10 - 14 December 2001 A workshop of the EPSRC Symposium on Geometry and Topology Organisers: John Jones and John Rawnsley The Workshop will take place in the Mathematics Institute. Lectures will be in Room 2 Accommodation will be on campus or in local guest houses, and can be reserved by contacting peta@maths.warwick.ac.uk Programme There will be a ...
The workshop was held as scheduled. Click here for photos. (Thanks to Dick Schori.) Workshop Information Principal Speaker The featured speaker will be Alexander Dranishnikov of the University of Florida. He will give a series of three one-hour talks on Dimension Theory: local and global. Special Event At the conclusion of the workshop there will be a Special Session in honor of Bob Daverman on ...
1999 AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on HOMOTOPY METHODS IN ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY WHEN: Sunday, June 20 - Thursday, June 24, 1999 (check in June 19, check out June 25) WHERE: University of Colorado , Boulder, CO Now that the conference is over, this web page will be maintained for a time as a source of information about the conference and about the proceedings of the conference. (Which ...
Cascade Topology Seminar The Cascade Topology Seminar is a semi-annual gathering of topologists from the Pacific Northwest and Southwestern Canada. Spring 2001 Meeting: Saturday and Sunday May 19-20 Boise State University, Boise, Idaho Meeting number 27 Speakers: Joan Birman, Columbia University, Barnard College Chris Herald, University of Nevada, Reno Rob Kirby, University of California, ...
Workshop on structured ring spectra and their applications Organisers A. Baker & B. Richter To be held at the University of Glasgow, 21-25 January 2002 Workshop Homepage This workshop aims to provide a short series of introductory lectures on structured ring spectra and their applications suitable for graduate students and other mathematicians and to bring together experts from within and ...
UNESCO Venice Office Georgian Academy of Sciences Tbilisi State University International School in Physics and Mathematics (ISPM, Georgia) is organizing School and Workshop Algebraic models for topological spaces and fibrations and their applications September 2-9, 2000, Tbilisi, Georgia Organizing Committee PURPOSE OF THE SCHOOL AND WORKSHOP The School and Workshop is open to graduate students ...
Great Lakes K-theory Conference, VIII The eighth annual Great Lakes K-theory Conference will be held April 27, 2002, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The conference is being organized by Dan Grayson and Randy McCarthy with the help of Eric Friedlander and Rick Jardine. If you might come, please let Dan Grayson know. Speakers and schedule: The talks will take place in room 165 ...