- Welcome to ATOMCOOL! Matter Wave Solitons in a 1D Trap You have reached the research group of Dr. Randall G. Hulet in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Rice University. Professor Hulet investigates atoms at temperatures as low as a few nano-Kelvin. At these low temperatures the quantum mechanical wavelengths of the atoms can be as large as 1 micron, greatly altering normal atomic ...atomcool.rice.edu
- Updated PEG January 1997. By Philip Gibbs October 1996, with thanks to many who contributed their knowledge and references. Is glass liquid or solid It is sometimes said that glass in very old churches is thicker at the bottom than at the top because glass is a liquid, and so over several centuries it has flowed towards the bottom. This is not true. In Mediaeval times panes of glass were often ...math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/Glass/glass.html