- Home page of the National Science Teachers Association.www.nsta.org
- www.aapt.org
- Illinois Section American Association of Physics Teachers New domain name: isaapt.org AAPT National Meeting - Energy Boise, Idaho, August 3-7, 2002 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, August 7-8, 2002 The headquarters for the AAPT meeting is Boise State University. Because of Boise's close proximity to geothermal, hydroelectric and natural ...helios.augustana.edu/isaapt
- The SOUTHERN OHIO SECTION of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of PHYSICS TEACHERS What is the Southern Ohio Section The Southern Ohio Section is a part of the American Association of Physics Teachers, and is dedicated to exchange of information about physics and physics teaching among teachers and prospective teachers of physics. SOS makes every effort to provide mentoring to teachers requesting ...www-physics.mps.ohio-state.edu/~aubrecht/sosaapt.html
- campus.northpark.edu/physics/org