- Delve into the fascinating world of particle physics, an easy to understand look at particle physics ...blueflag.phys.yorku.ca/yhep/main.html
- What is Fundamental The Standard Model Physicists have developed a theory called The Standard Model that explains what the world is and what holds it together. It is a simple and comprehensive theory that explains all the hundreds of particles and complex interactions with only: 6 quarks. 6 leptons. The best-known lepton is the electron. We will talk about leptons in just a few pages. Force ...particleadventure.org/particleadventure/frameless/standard_model.html
- High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, abstract hep-ph/9812242 From: M Jose Herrero herrero@delta.ft.uam.es Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 17:39:19 GMT (280kb) The Standard Model Authors: M.J.Herrero Comments: 58 pages, LaTeX, Lectures presented at the NATO ASI 98 School, Techniques and Concepts of High Energy Physics; St. Croix, Virgin Islands, USA, June 18-29 1998 These lectures provide an introduction ...xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-ph/9812242
- Is the Standard Model of Particle Physics in Troublewww.jupiterscientific.org/sciinfo/smtrouble.html