The Department is the national statistical authority responsible for disseminating official statistics on Singapore.
In principle, STATISTICS updates all statistical data the same month, or the month after, it is updated to deliver one of the most up-to-date statistical data in English ahead of all other sources. Update History Search by Category Census of Japan #### select here and click on go ##### Land and Climate Population Households Crime #### select here and click on go ##### Police Criminal Offenses ... - the official web site of indian census data and population related information, data, studies, publications, planning, owned by Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Hosted, designed & maintained by Communicators - ...
Select Address Foundations Directorates Main Projects Achievements Central Registers The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) main function is to provide truthful and impartial official statistics on demographic, social, economic and environmental states and trend to serve the Palestinian citizenry, and to serve the instrumental needs of businesses and their organizations for ...
China Dimensions Welcome to the China Dimensions World Wide Web (WWW) Home Page. Over the past decade, China has experienced rapid economic and social change. These changes, in concert with a growing population, are expected to lead to significant regional and global environmental change. This site offers access to a unique data collection that has been designed to facilitate a wide range of ...
Asian Demographics creates unique forecasts and insights on the demographic and socio-economic future of Asia.