Market Design Inc. Consulting on market design, spectrum auctions, electricity auctions, Internet auctions, bidding strategy. By Ausubel, Bulow, Cramton, McAfee, McMillan, Milgrom, Vincent, Wilson.
Peter Cramton, University of Maryland and Market Design Inc. Research on auctions, bargaining, negotiation, auction design, spectrum auctions, electricity auctions, game theory, bidding strategy.
Institut fur Wirtschaftstheorie I Prof. Dr. Elmar Wolfstetter Research Topics: Auctions and Market Design, Industrial Organization, Applied Game Theory Elmar Wolfstetter Topics in Microeconomics Who we are Papers office & academic staff downloadable papers Lectures Klausuren Lectures & Courses Klausurensammlung des Instituts JITE Economic Consulting Journal of Institutional and Theoretical ...
Radiocommunications Agency Welcome to the Spectrum Auctions website Please select the auction from the list below: 28 GHz Broadband Fixed Wireless Access (BFWA) - Current Award Process 28 GHz Broadband Fixed Wireless Access (BFWA) - 2000 Auction 3rd Generation Mobile (3G) The main RA website can be found at ...
A Survey of Auction Types: the English Auction, the Dutch Auction, the Vickrey Auction, the Double Auction etc.
Simulation of Winner's Curse. Part of Mike Shor's lecture notes for a course in Game Theory.