- Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) @ Chorus ...www-writing.berkeley.edu/chorus/call
- CALL Bibliography 1997 Athelstan Abberton, E., and Fourcin, A. (1975). Visual feedback and the acquisition of intonation. In E. H. Lenneberg and E. Lenneberg (eds.), Foundations of language development (pp. 157-165). New York: Academic Press. Abercombie, John R. Graphics display of foreign scripts. Perspectives in Computing 7:1, Spring 1987. Abraham, R. G. (1985). Field independence-dependence ...www.athel.com/athelbb.html
- Proceedings of the workshop Intelligent Educational Systems on the World Wide Web , 8th World Conference of the AIED Society, Kobe, Japan, 18-22 August 1997 Development of computer assisted language learning system for Japanese writing using natural language processing techniques: A study on passive voice Jie Chi YANG, Kanji AKAHORI the Center for Research And DeveLopment of Educational ...www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~plb/AIED97_workshop/Yang/Yang.html