- Fabre's Word List: English / Gilbertese / French 1. abdomen piloto Abdomen 2. anchor (v) pehi piti Mouiller (navire ou pirogue) 3. anus ki Anus 4. arm pei Bras 5. ask kanhai Demander 6. attach kapaia-kepei Attacher 7. back aukou Dos 8. back of head kamo Occiput 9. bad kino kino Mauvais 10. bad smell poira Sentir mauvais 11. belch pani kana Rot (roter) 12. birds mani Oiseau (en general) 13. bite ...www.trussel.com/kir/fabeng.htm
- Hale's Tarawan Vocabulary (1846) (collected in 1841) The Vocabulary The first known description of Gilbertese was published in 1846, in the Ethnology and Philology volume of the report of the U.S. Exploring Expedition 1838-42, compiled by Horatio (Emmons) Hale. Hale is relatively well known.1 He was born in 1817 in Newport, New Hampshire, and by the age of 17 had published a vocabulary of ...www.trussel.com/kir/hale.htm