- The huruf jawa or hanacaraka are the traditional Javanese alphabet. These examples are from a school poster I bought in Surakarta. Try these links for more information about the Huruf Jawa: http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/JPN-javanese-huruf.html http://javanen.myweb.nl/Cultuur/HaNaCaRaKa/HurufJawa.htm http://www.joglosemar.co.id/hanacaraka/hanacaraka.html http://www.mastoni.com/carakan.htm ...www.gimonca.com/indonesia/huruf_jawa.html
- HURUF JAWA ( Hanacaraka, Javanese ) Huruf Jawa (Hanacaraka) is the old Javanese script used in Indonesia. Indonesia Source: Karl Faulmann: Illustrirte Geschichte der Schrift (Wien 1880) Illustrated History of Writing (Vienna 1880) Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl - E-mail WKuhl44238@aol.com Huruf Jawa or Hanacaraka Source: Old Javanese Script compiled by Wolfgang Kuhl Contributed by Wolfgang Kuhl - ...www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/JPN-javanese-huruf.html