Ordering News Products Analytical Greek NT XP Newsletter Stay informed, get our newsletter. The newsletter will contain tips and tricks that will allow you to get the most from your programs as well as product announcements and special promotions. Upgrades! We are pleased to announce major new versions of all our software programs. Keep your software up to date with the latest and best Bible ...
Antioch classical languages utility ...
Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web Reading Unicode Polytonic Greek on the Web Unicode Polytonic Greek for the World Wide Web Version 0.9.1 D R A F T Introduction Unicode is a universal standard for character encoding, developed and published by the Unicode Consortium, that permits millions of separate characters to be referenced with one standard: enough for all the alphabets, ...
Wordbase is a tutorial and Greek dictionary program. It helps you learn the language of the New Testament. Rehearse grammar and glossaries or play a the hangman game. Copy words from the dictionary and make own glossaries. Apart from that links to fonts, a bible, other biblical stuff and shareware...
DOWNLOAD THE ANCIENT GREEK FONT ATHENIAN I. THE ATHENIAN FONT FOR DISPLAYING ANCIENT GREEK TEXTS TrueType Athenian is part of GreekKeys, the Macintosh/Windows font + keyboard package designed by George B. Walsh and Jeffrey Rusten, and owned by the American Philological Association; GreekKeys 2002 (for Macintosh only) has been revised by Donald Mastronarde. The font contains all common ancient ...
Diogenes is a tool for searching and browsing the databases of ancient texts, primarily in Latin and Greek, that are published by the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae and the Packard Humanities Institute. It is free software: you are encouraged to modify, improve, and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public license. The goal of this software package is to provide a free, transparent ...
This is the main home page for the koine Greek font--a TrueType font for Windows (Mac is coming later) using the Latin keyboard. This is *not* a Unicode Greek font (yet!).
Page d'accueil du projet CGreek - Grec classique avec Emacs-20 - Qu'est-ce que le projet CGreek Le but du projet CGreek est de creer un environnement pour traiter des documents en grec ancien sous syst me d'exploitation Unix. Nous utilisons GNU Emacs comme syst me de base. A l'aide de nos outils vous pourrez afficher, saisir et modifier des document en grec ancien. Vous pourrez aussi lire et ...