- THE SEMIOTICS OF THE WEB* Philippe Codognet INRIA -Rocquencourt B. P. 105, 78 153 Le Chesnay Cedex, FRANCE and Universite Paris 6 LIP6, case 169 4, Place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS, France Philippe.Codognet@lip6.fr Avant d' tre seduite par Zeus sous la forme d' un serpent, et de concevoir par lui Dionysos, Persephone, laissee par Demeter dans la grotte de Cyane, avait commence un tissage sur lequel ...pauillac.inria.fr/~codognet/web.html
- Semiotics in Cyberspace We are seeing one of the most historically significant changes in the way we share information. Electronic communication devices have been with us since the beginning of the 20th century. Radio provided ways to share sounds with distant people simultane ously. The telephone added the ability to inter-communicate with others. Cinematography captured images and created the ...php.indiana.edu/~ccolon/Semiotics/ccolon3.html