This page describes ICPSR, its mission, and its separate units: Data Archive, Educational Resources, Technical Services, and Computing and Network Services.
The Lijphart Elections Archive, housed at the University of California, San Diego campus, is a research collection of district level election results for approximately 350 national legislative elections in 26 countries. The objective of the Archive is to systematically collect election statistics in as much detail as possible, including, as a minimum, the results at the level of the individual ...
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Peace Science Society (International) International Trade Data This data set is version 1.1 of Katherine Barbieri's national and dyadic trade data, which covers the period 1870-1992. The ZIP file (ITrade.ZIP) contains three files. ITrade.DOC - a Word document that describes the data files and the procedures followed to collect the data. NTrade.CSV - a comma-separated-variable file that contains ...