- CAE@ (58)
- Welcome! It's ANTECH provides innovative Engineering Software Solutions by developing & marketing products in the area of Computer Aided Design ( CAD )/CAM/CAE/PDM/CNC/DNC/VLSI. ANTECH has a flagship products like DNC, CADlink, GMS, MMS, RE93 etc. & has more than 600 installations all over India. ANTECH has a Solid Alliances with EDS ( PLM Group ) for I-deas CAD/CAM Software. And with ANSYS, Inc.www.antechmicro.com
- Developing simulation and analysis software for design and manufacturing engineers to eliminate current trial and error process, thus reducing rework, time and costs.www.femengineering.com
- Aide a la conception integree Produit/Process, de l'analyse non lineaire et de l'optimisation ...www.simtech.fr
- www.appcim.com