Kurdish Information Network KURDS and KURDISTAN: Facts and Figures Kurdish National Liberation Movements Article of the Month Announcements soc.culture.kurdish UseNet News Group Usenet Search Kurdish Culture Kurdish Language Kurdish Music Other Related Links Kurdish History Olaf Palme & the operation against MED-TV Dutch version First edited by Kendal (1994). Second edition by Henk & KOCERO ...
Kurdland.com - Kurdish search engine ...
Britannica.com examines the role ethnic conflict plays in the Balkans, Central Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and other areas by analyzing the history and underlying causes of ethnic hatred and violence.
The Kurds live in the mountains between Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. They have resisted attempts to assimilate into other cultures and have fought to keep their traditional culture. Discover the Kurds in the Electronic Passport at www.mrdowling.com.
Kurds. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 ...