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- Gay and Black Glossary of slang terms.mindprod.com/ggloss.html
- Polari Polari (also seen as 'Palare') is a gay slang language, which has now almost died out. It was more common in the 1960's when gays had more need of a private slang. When I started to research Polari, it was difficult to find any written material about Polari as what little used to exist was out of print. However, in the last few years, more and more people have been finding out about it, ...www.chris-d.net/polari
- Utah: Tabulation of the 2000 Census data in regard to same-sex couples in Utah, broken down into several geographical categories.gaydemographics.org
- An eclectic guide to this once-extensive argot among sailors, itinerants, people in show business and homosexuals.www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/cello/Polari.htm