- National Gallery of Art, Washington -- Augustust Saint-Gaudens' Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw and the Massachusetts Fifty-fourth Regiment ...www.nga.gov/feature/shaw/home.htm
- Robert Gould Shaw (1837-1863) Son of a prominent Boston abolitionist family, Robert Shaw was serving as a captain in the 2nd Massachusetts when he was tapped by Massachusetts Governor John Andrew for a special assignment. Shaw was to raise and command the first regiment of black troops organized in a Northern state. All the previous 11 colored regiments had been raised principally from freed ...www.civilwarhome.com/shawbio.htm
- Who2 - The fastest way to find famous people online. For each famous person we offer the simple data you're most likely looking for: birth and death dates, most famous works, odd or famous trivia...www.who2.com/robertgouldshaw.html