- Learning about the Holocaust through Art is a resource of art works produced by Internees during the Holocaust to be used for course or tutorial classwork.art.holocaust-education.net
- Through out the world Auschwitz has become a symbol of terror, genocide, and the Holocaust. - English ...home.swipnet.se/~w-49276/docs/auschwitz/welcome.htm
- www.amuseum.org/shoah
- William Bernheim. The artist. The holocaust survivor. A personal journey. His Story The Paintings Recent Shows Lithograph for sale Contact us Thank you for visiting. You are visitor number... Free counters provided by Honesty.com. Webmaster: Creativity1st.com ...www.williambernheim.com
- The first Nazi concentration camp The subway ride to the Munich suburb of Dachau showed off a postcard beautiful German countryside. Snow weighed down bows of 60-foot pine trees and dusted roofs of gingerbread houses. The fall harvest left the fields bare but still suggesting signs of fertility. The concentration camp itself is a short bus ride from the subway station. The rusting barbed wire ...stevetimko.tripod.com/dachau.htm