- From ANIMAL PEOPLE, November 2000-- Dogfight on the western front: Ill-bred Americans said to be over-large, over-aggressive, and over here. BRUSSELS--Germany, France, Italy, and Britain are battling again in Belgium, and invading bloody Americans are again ensnarled in the thick of it. That's American pit bull terriers this time. Like the doughboys of World War I and the G.I.s of World War ...www.animalpeoplenews.org/dogFight1100.html
- A Survey About Primates ~ Please take a moment to fill out my survey ~ Your participation in this survey is anonymous Gender: Male Female Age: Please Choose One Answer Unless Otherwise Indicated. 1) Have you ever wanted to own a primate (such as a chimp, monkey, or gorilla) Yes No (skip to question 3) 2) What made you want to own one Advertisements Movies Television shows Circus Friend Other ...www.angelfire.com/ok4/darmoja/Survey.html