- Malt Assault Christopher Gardner Liquid crack: Malt liquor is the cheapest high you can get. It sells for as little as $1.39 for a 40-ounce bottle, which is equal to five shots of whiskey. The malt-liquor industry, drunk on high-octane sales to the black hip-hop nation, has set its sights on the Latino youth market By J. Douglas Allen-Taylor A LITTLE MORE than a year ago, a small article that ...www.metroactive.com/papers/sonoma/10.02.97/latino-drinking-9740.html
- The contrition peddlers: When you ...www.salon.com/media/col/shal/1999/07/20/chisholm
- Sweeps - When the Tube Takes No Prisoners by Robin Markowitz, All Hallows Eve, 1996 A frightening thing is happening today. The period from October 31st through the end of November is one of the three months of the year when U.S. television stations - both local and network - are subject to the collection of ratings data which will determine advertising revenue through the next ratings period.www.culturalstudies.net/sweeps.html