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- KEDO.org, the online home of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization ...www.kedo.org
- The Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout (CNP) represents a coalition of Canadian public interest organizations concerned with the environmental consequences of nuclear power generation. La Campagne contre l'expansion du nucleaire (CCEN) est une coalition d'organismes d'interet public preoccupes par les consequences de l'utilisation de l'energie nucl ...www.cnp.ca
- No Nukes Inforesource is a collection of news about serious incidents in nuclear power plants.www.ecology.at/nni
- Nuclear power watchdog group new jersey ...www.unplugsalem.org
- Articles, newsletters, correspondence and essays written about SONGS by Russell D. Hoffman ...www.animatedsoftware.com/environm/onofre/index.htm
- Only the wilfully blind can claim that this (the poisoning caused by nuclear power) consequence of Technical Progress was unforeseen ...www.eco-action.org/dt/progress.html