The Snake River Alliance is an Idaho-based grassroots group working for peace and justice, the end of nuclear weapons production activities, and responsible solutions to nuclear waste and contamination. ...
Columbia Riverkeeper, a non-profit citizens group working to protect the water quality of the Columbia River and all life dependant upon her.
PO Box 61051 Durham NC 27715-1051 phone 919-490-0747 fax 919-493-6614 NEW! email North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network NC WARN is a member-based nonprofit organization helping to protect communities and the general public from the increasing health and environmental damage associated with toxic and radioactive pollution. We have been a key force in preventing ...
National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans - We must unite as people of the world to stop the nuclear industry that is dividing and contaminating us.
CANSAR Campaign Against, Nuclear Storage And Radiation is a resident based non-political group dedicated to addressing the threats to the Health and Safety of the people of Plymouth and South East Cornwall from nuclear radiation and pollution arising from the operations carried out at the Devonport Royal Dockyard.