English weights & measures: History, Current usage etc.
BWMA exists to protect and promote customary UK/imperial weights and measures, and to oppose compulsory conversion to the metric system.
BRITISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ASSOCIATION Sections on this initial page: Other BWMA sites with the latest news and research material Statement of views and aims Desmond Morris on compulsory metrication (Added, 15 May 2001) Patrons, honorary members and officers (Updated, 9 December 2001) Subscription details. Invitation to help Address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail Text of BWMA pamphlet, ...
Why the metric system sucks, and why people should use the pounds, feet, and gallons of the great English system.
A summary of traditional weights and measures demonstrating their superiority over the French decimal system (commonly known as the metric system) plus links to other pages in a similar vein.
Advantages of the imperial method of measurement compared with the metric method ...
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