17th National PCBC Conference Registration Privacy Statement Welcome... On behalf of everyone here at the Georgia Department of Law, welcome to our website. As Georgia's Attorney General, it is my pleasure to invite you to use the resources that our site has to offer. Technology has provided the public with the tools to observe Georgia's government in action, and I extend an invitation to you to ...
Please see our Job Openings Page for employment opportunities. District Attorney Peter J. Skandalakis Welcome to the Coweta Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office page on the World Wide Web. If we can be of any assistance to you, or if you have been a victim or a witness of a crime and have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us or call any of our offices in the Coweta Judicial ...
Cobb County Solicitor General Serving the citizens of Cobb County Barry E. Morgan, Solicitor General The Solicitor General is responsible for the prosecution of all traffic, misdemeanor, and ordinance violation cases in Cobb County, Georgia. These cases include: Misdemeanor warrants issued in Cobb County Traffic citations issued by: Cobb County Police Department Sheriff's Department Georgia ...
Catoosa County Government Website Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney Herbert E. (Buzz) Franklin District Attorney District Attorney Offices Main Office - Walker County District Attorney's Office P.O. Box 1025 LaFayette, GA 30728 706-638-2121 706-638-4821 Fax 706-638-5609 Drug Prosecution 706-638-4450 Drug Prosecution Fax Catoosa County Office District Attorney's Office 7679 ...