- Describes beryllium and related diseases, including chronic beryllium disease. Discusses workplace and secondary exposure to beryllium. Provides resources (support groups, glossary, list of medical centers).www.chronicberylliumdisease.com
- Contact a Benzene Lawyer if you or a loved one has been exposed to benzene posioning. Learn the side effects and your legal rights!!www.benzene-lawyer.com
- www.aboutlead.com
- The Beryllium Disease Website is sponsored by Golomb & Honik, Attorneys at Law For more information call 1-800-355-3300 Q. What is beryllium A. Beryllium is a brittle, steel-grey metal found as a component of coal, oil, certain rock minerals, volcanic dust, and soil. Elemental beryllium (atomic #4) is the second lightest of all metals and is used in a wide variety of applications. In its ...www.berylliumdisease.net