Located in Illinois, we help you make the best decisions for you and your family by providing financial settlement analysis, financial mediation, family mediation, parenting agreements, and answers to your pre and post divorce financial questions.
Chicago Mediation LLC offers alternative dispute resolution services to the business community of Chicago, including mediation, training and coaching.
Businesses & law firms across the country recommend ADR's mediation, arbitration, and dispute resolution services for both commercial and personal injury.
Faustin Pipal has mediated over 2, 500 cases since beginning his mediation practice in 1993. He is founding partner in the Chicago-based law firm of Pipal & Berg, LLP.
Mediate Chicago offers fast, efficient, and cost-effective services. We will assist you in finding your keys to resolution for both your family and your business.
Highly Experienced Harvard Law School trained Neutral Arbitrator provides civil and commercial Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR services Worldwide.