Pacific northwest law firm serving legal needs of businesses. Practice includes business transactions, workers compensation, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, patent, trademark and copyright law.
Serving the community since 1899 our Seattle lawyers are knowledgeable in insurance defense law, corporate and business law as well as intellectual property cases.
Call 206-624-8844 now to schedule a free consultation with the maritime lawyers of Kraft Palmer Davies in Seattle, WA.
Charles M. Davis attorney of Maritime Law providing advocacy, arbritration, counsel and mediation for issues of Maritime Law.
The maritime lawyers of Beard Stacey & Jacobsen have represented thousands of injured seamen, fishermen, processors, deckhands, tugboat workers, and ferry workers in ...
Experienced and Tenacious Maritime Lawyer The maritime industry is an important part of our local economy. It is also one of the most dangerous occupations.