- Welcome to Jainworld Philosophy Society Literature Education Contribution info@jainworld.com vinod@jainworld.com news@jainworld.com ...www.jainworld.com/philosophy.htm
- Jainism is one of the oldest religions known today and its origins lie in the country of India. Theologians often classify Jainism as a philosophy, a way of living life, rather than a religion. GENERAL FACTS ABOUT JAINISM The origins of Jainism can be traced back to the Indus River valley civilization of 3000 B.C. Jains believe that there were 24 great teachers the last of whom was Lord Mahavira ...www.umich.edu/~umjains/overview.html
- Vegetarianism covers a wide spectrum of acceptabilities not all of which would be consistent with the prnciple of non-violence. This is a short and practical introduction to this subject. It also highlights the dangers posed by creeping abandonment of non-violence as people are convinced by arguments (which do not stand up to questioning) of the acceptability of various product such as eggs, ...www.jainism.free-online.co.uk/vfjc/vfjcttl1.html