- MICAH PUBLICATIONS, INC. Where Imagination and Reality Meet Where Intellect, Compassion and Passion are Joined e-mail: micah@micahbooks.com Roberta Kalechofsky: Speaker, Lecturer Jews for Animal Rights (JAR) In addition to our literary and scholarly books, Micah Publications is the publishing arm for Jews for Animal Rights (JAR). Membership is $18.00 per year, $9.00 for students and senior ...www.micahbooks.com
- THE JEWISH VEGETARIAN AND ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY Why a Jewish Vegetarian Society . Because the original food for people is ordered in Genesis 1:29, Behold I give you every herb-bearing seed and the fruit of every seed-bearing tree for you it shall be for food. Permission to kill and eat animals was only granted as a result of man's evil and was accompanied with a curse (Genesis 9:5). Because 95% of ...ivu.org/jvs