- About Us Aging 101 Arts in Aging Centenarians C.E. Online Education Features Fellows Friends Hartford CoE HGITT Newsletter NAGEC Research Student Club TCGEC No, this piece isn't about a bad movie about Roman legionnaires. It is about real people today who have reached a remarkable milestone--they are 100 years of age, some more than that! They are among the 76, 000* Americans who hold the ...www.hcoa.org/centenarians/centenarians.htm
- Centenarian expert, Lynn Peters Adler, J.D., has dedicated her time and energy to increasing recognition of centenarians and the very old.www.adlercentenarians.com
- Okinawa Centenarian Study and The Okinawa Program reveal the genetic and lifestyle factors responsible for successful, healthy aging. Learn the secrets to health and long life ...www.okinawaprogram.com
- A group of researchers at Harvard Medical School have been trying to find out what it takes to reach the age of 100 or more ...www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/stories/s19117.htm