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Branden's recent writings on Rand and Objectivism by Eyal Mozes This is a critique of several of Nathaniel Branden's recent writings about Ayn Rand and Objectivism, published on the Objectivism WWW Service ( My theme is to point out the highly negative and hostile tone of a lot of Branden's writings, and the many unbased accusations he makes against Rand and ...
FREEDOM AND CAUSALITY by Russell Madden Hardly a day passes in which one does not hear another example of the erosion of personal responsibility which continues in this country. Whether it is holding gun manufacturers responsible for the destruction caused by those who use their weapons, blaming cigarette makers for the cancers suffered by their customers, or absolving criminals of their acts ...
Reply to Murray Franck's Critique of Rand's The 'Conflicts' of Men's Interests _Full Context_, March, 1998, by Russell Madden In his Rationality as a Source of Conflicts of Interest, Murray Franck raises some provocative issues. Unfortunately, his use of examples that violate the parameters detailed in Rand's essay, The 'Conflicts' of Men's Interests ; his use of the terms interests and conflict ...
THE GOVERNMENT VS THE ENVIRONMENT by Russell Madden When the subject is the environment, the general public perception is that a resource of such importance can only be adequately safeguarded by the benevolent, all-encompassing hands of the government. Whether this comes in the guise of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, the Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management or ...
REJECTING RESPONSIBILITY by Russell Madden At a recent family gathering, my father and I happened to discuss some of the problems facing social security. My seventy-one-year-old dad received partial disability before retiring and also claims veteran's benefits from a wound he suffered in Europe during World War II. During our brief conversation on the topic of social security, I pointed out that ...