Body/Power From: Power/Knowledge, Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977. Interviewers: editorial collective of Quell Corps You depict in Discipline and Punish a political system where the King's body plays an important role... In a society like that of the seventeenth century, the King's body wasn't a metaphor, but a political reality. Its physical presence ... I, Pierre Riviere, having slaughtered my mother, my sister and my brother. From: Foucault, M. (1987) I, Pierre Riviere, having slaughtered my mother, my sister, and my brother... Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. We had in mind a study of the practical aspects of the relations between psychiatry and criminal justice. In the course of our research we came across ...
In dealing with the author as a function of discourse, we must consider the characteristics of a discourse that support this use and determine its differences from other discourses. If we limit our remarks only to those books or texts with authors, we can isolate four different features. First, they are objects of appropriation; the form of property they have become is of a particular type ...
Paul Rabinow: Why is it that you dont engage in polemics Michel Foucault: I like discussions, and when I am asked questions, I try to answer them. Its true that I dont like to get involved in polemics. If I open a book and see that the author is accusing an adversary of infantile leftism I shut it again right away. Thats not my way of doing things; I dont belong to the world of people who do ... 16 June 2001. With paragraphs 1-8 added, 22 August 2001 Transcription and HTML by Cartome Source: Foucault, Michel Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison (NY: Vintage Books 1995) pp. 195-228 translated from the French by Alan Sheridan (translation 1977) back to intro PART THREE: DISCIPLINE 3. Panopticism The following, according to an order published at the end of the ... I, Pierre Riviere... From Sylvere Lotringer (ed) (1996) Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961-1984. USA: SEMIOTEXT . (pp. 203-206). Q. If you like, we can begin by discussing your interest in the publication of the dossier on Pierre Riviere and in particular your interest in the fact that, at least in part, it has been made into a film. MF. For me the book was a trap. Truth, Power, Self: An Interview with Michel Foucault - October 25th, 1982. From: Martin, L.H. et al (1988) Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault. London: Tavistock. pp.9-15. Why did you come to the University of Vermont I came to try to explain more precisely to some people what kind of work I am doing, to know what kind of work they are doing, and ...
6. Nonaffirmative Painting.* Separation between linguistic signs and plastic elements; equivalence of resemblance and affirmation. These two principles constituted the tension in classical painting, because the second reintroduced discourse (affirmation exists only where there is speech) into an art from which the linguistic element was rigorously excluded. Hence the fact that classical painting ...
It was while I was studying the origins of clinical medicine. I had been planning a study of hospital architecture in the second half of the eighteenth century, when the great movement for the reform of medical institutions was getting under way. I wanted to find out how the medical gaze was institutionalised, how it was effectively inscribed in social space, how the new form of the hospital was ...
What I would like to tell you in these lectures are some things that may be inexact, untrue, or erroneous, which I will present as working hypotheses, with a view to a future work. I beg your indulgence, and more than that, your malice. Indeed, I would be very pleased if at the end of each lecture you would voice some criticisms and objections so that, insofar as possible and assuming my mind is ...